Many vendors offer physical therapy services to prospective clients as an onsite/near-site offering to address and manage musculoskeletal conditions. Physical therapists should treat sprains/strains; tendonitis/tendinosis; post-fracture care; pre-operative education for pre-habilitation before TKR, THR, RCR, etc.; postoperative management of orthopedic surgical interventions, repetitive stress injuries, and sports-related injuries.
Licensed, board-certified physical therapists should evaluate, develop a care plan, and work with the patient to establish patient-centric functional goals to improve their overall pain and function and prevent the recurrence of MSK issues. Marathon Health physical therapy services include wellness assessments and fitness program development, employee wellness and injury prevention education, and musculoskeletal and ergonomic worksite assessments.
Jon Strychasz, PT, Cert MDT, Cert DN, serves as the National Director of Physical Therapy at Marathon Health. He designs the company’s strategy for developing clinical care pathways to ensure downstream cost savings and decreased healthcare spend in the musculoskeletal realm.