Marathon Health Knowledge Base

What types of performance and service guarantees should an employer health center offer to ensure quality outcomes?

Written by Marathon Health | Aug 27, 2024 3:34:04 PM

Performance and service guarantees should be tied to administrative and clinical performance. Your employer healthcare vendor should place a portion of their total base fees at risk directly tied to engagement, satisfaction, measurable health outcomes and achieving ROI targets.

For example, Marathon Health places up to 10% of its annual fees (not just M&A) at risk in each contract year. Risk can be divided in several ways, but as a general rule should focus on these four areas:

  1. Member Engagement (member engagement rate with the health center and utilization by high-risk/chronic population)
  2. Member Experience (member satisfaction surveys and repeat utilization rates)
  3. Quality Measures (achievement of clinical quality metrics, risk reduction, meeting goals for chronic condition members at the standard of care)
  4. Client Savings (engaged vs. non-engaged member savings)

Find a partner that focuses on the health outcomes that matter most to you and represent a comprehensive set of performance standards in the industry driving experience, outcomes and savings.

Katie Vicars, SVP Client Success, Marathon Health

Katie Vicars brings more than 20 years of experience to her role as SVP, Client Success for Marathon Health, where she has served in a variety of leadership roles, including account management, operations, and business development.